Making Monday Pretty: 2015 Beauty Resolutions
Posted by Hayley French on
Happy New Year! It's that time of year again...resolution time! Let's be honest, most resolutions are made but not kept, so here are a few little tweaks you can make to your everyday life that will vastly help both the way you look and feel for the rest of the year. Sounds good to us! 1. Drink more water. We know you've heard it before, but it really is an easy way to improve all facets of health and make your skin glow and stay hydrated from the inside the out. And a much cheaper alternative to all those fancy...
New Years Essentials!
Posted by Hayley French on
These three pieces will definitely be glamming up our New Years Eve! Come by the store for tons of sparkly must haves. We hope you all have a happy, healthy and safe New Years! Wishing everyone the best in 2015!
Making Monday Pretty: Cuticle SOS
Posted by Hayley French on
Healthy cuticles are one of the most important parts of growing and keeping your nails strong as they protect the new cells that build the nails and keep them healthy, strong and looking beautiful! Here are the best ways to keep your cuticles in tip top shape. 1. Never, ever cut. Even when you go get a manicure, ask the manicurist not to trim your cuticles. If you get a hangnail snip only the loose skin so that it doesn't tear and create a cut. Instead, moisturize the cuticle area and gently push back the cuticle with and orange stick or...
Boxing Day Sale
Posted by Hayley French on
Augustina Gift Guide
Posted by Hayley French on
Need some last minute gifts to add to stockings or under the tree? We have lots of great pieces at perfect add-on prices!